About Ladegaard Architecture

Founded in 2002

Ladegaard Architecture was founded in 2002 by architect MAA Hans Ø. Ladegaard, who still owns the company today. For more information about Hans Ladegaard, visit hansladegaard.dk.

The company started as a small architecture firm but has since evolved into something larger with multiple competencies. We are a dynamic company that takes on new and necessary initiatives in this ever-changing world. We also believe that embracing new challenges makes for a more exciting work life rather than repeating the same tasks throughout one’s career.

Over the years, we have built a versatile foundation of experience in the construction industry. Our expertise spans commercial buildings, project development, private housing, and public construction.

Additionally, we have developed specialist competencies in prefabricated construction, including prefabrication production both domestically and internationally. We also have experience in interior design, including kitchen and bar solutions. Our projects are found in both urban and natural environments.


We specialize in designing buildings that are to be constructed wholly or partially using prefabrication. Additionally, we offer turnkey contractor services for prefab projects. Our high level of specialist expertise in prefabrication has led to us being called upon as expert witnesses by courts and arbitration panels in legal disputes both domestically and internationally.

At first glance, our diverse range of competencies may seem chaotic. However, the common denominator in all our projects is the same structured process: identifying a need, understanding the client and the site, and then using creativity to define and design the solution, which is then systematically built or produced.

Our Values

Our core values have been a guiding principle throughout the company’s history:

  • We behave responsibly
  • We are innovative
  • We must be able to make a living from what we do
  • We create great architecture

Today, we are a multifaceted company—an architecture firm, a prefab construction contractor, a project developer, and an interior design company. From the outside, these different fields may seem impossible to combine. However, for us, it makes perfect sense, as both the creative process and the structured realization process (construction and production) are identical across all our activities.