We were given the task by the local scout association in Jelling to design a new Scout Fortress. It was important that the building could also be used for other activities beyond scouting—a place where local residents could gather for various events. In essence, a modern community center.
The building was architecturally designed with four equally sized sections connected by a central area. The final design resulted in a shape reminiscent of a dragonfly or even a Star Wars X-wing fighter.
The Scout Fortress has not yet been built, as the scout association has not yet managed to secure the necessary funding. The association plans to finance the project through grants and municipal support.
This project is showcased here because it demonstrates how an architectural model effectively communicates design and architecture.
The Scout Fortress is planned to be built just outside Jelling, a small town in Denmark known for its historic monuments, particularly the Jelling Stones. These stones mark the introduction of Christianity in Denmark, erected by King Harald Bluetooth in the 10th century in honor of his parents and to proclaim his conversion. The area also features burial mounds and a church and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its significance in Danish history.
A Scout Fortress is an outdoor campsite or building used by scouts for activities, training, and overnight stays. It can be a permanent structure or a temporary construction, such as a raft, shelter, or cabin, built by scouts as part of their pioneering skill training. Scout fortresses often serve as gathering places for camps and scout meetings.
A scout association is a volunteer organization that helps children and young people develop personal and social skills through outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, and pioneering.
The scouting movement was founded by Robert Baden-Powell in 1907 and focuses on values such as teamwork, responsibility, and respect for nature. Scout associations are divided into age groups and led by volunteers who teach skills and promote positive community involvement.
Ladegaard Architecture
Part of Ladegaard Group ApS